Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Thank you for visiting my website.

I hope to use this blog page as a way for those who are interested to get some insight into what I'm doing.

Right now I'm applying for a "Realise Your Dream" award offered by the British Council. I heard about this opportunity one day when I was listening to the Triple J radio station and thought it would could be a wonderful way to enable me to fulfil some of the ultimate dancing goals that I have. I hope to be given the chance to dance with some truly amazing dance companies in the United Kingdom, to experience how they work and to learn new skills to enhance my own dance practice. Contemporary dance is about being current, of the present day, and about discovering the 'new' dance. Therefore, as a dance artist, I believe that it is imperative to try and constantly become more proficient in the art form. Through experiencing different dance practises and by exchanging knowledge between myself and other dance practitioners I intend to expand my expertise within the dance field.

I'm interested in finding out what it is that audiences enjoy about dance performances and what elements they would like to see at future performances. What is there that I can try to do in future dance projects to cater to the interests of the general public to increase the Australian dance population?

My next project is coming up next month (August) and will involve working with an ex-colleague of mine - Lisa Wilson. The project "Elbow Room" will expand upon a pre-existing duet which she choreographed at the end of last year and will emenate in a work in progress showing at the Brisbane Powerhouse, New Farm, QLD Australia at the end of September. I am looking forward to working with Lisa again and to collaborating with the other three dancers as well as many other professional artists who will be part of the project.

I will endeavour to report about some of my experiences here on my blog so if you are interested, please continue to check my websites for updates.