Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

Who can believe it? 2009 is here already ... where did 2008 go?

This year may see some new dance shaping up in Australia with Natalie Weir becoming the new Artistic Director of Expressions Dance Company in Brisbane and Artistic Directorship of Sydney Dance Company being taken over by Rafael Bonachelo. No doubt these shifts in direction for both of those companies will be exciting for both the company members and for dance audiences and enthusiasts. It seems Dance North is also seeking a new Artistic Director after the resignation of Gavin Webber, but the decision has not yet been made on who it will be. Not only this but each New Year brings about new dance collectives and independant dance artists who also mark their own stamps on the dance scene.

I am looking forward to doing some projects this year with Leigh Warren and Dancers as well as a few of my own projects and hopefully some projects with or for some of my friends. It will be stimulating to work with new people and in different ways to that which I am used to. As my motto goes "What's life without a challenge to make it interesting?". I am certainly sure that I will encounter many challenges in the year ahead which I actually look forward to so that I can push myself to achieve more.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year - may 2009 bring with it everything that you dreamt of!