Sunday, January 10, 2010

What's In Store for 2010?

So what is in store for 2010 you ask?

My Summer Dance Classes at QUT will finish up on the 12th of January, ready for me to start back with Leigh Warren and Dancers in Adelaide for "Frame and Circle" which will be performed at the Space Theatre at the Adelaide Festival Centre from the 10-14 of March as part of the Adelaide Festival. I'll then return to Brisbane to commence working with my husband, Zaimon Vilmanis for a short term residency as part of the Fresh Ground Program at the Judith Wright Centre in Fortitude Valley to develop the project "A Likely Distrust". To keep an eye on this project check out In amongst these projects will no doubt be bits of teaching in both Adelaide and Brisbane too.

In May, or maybe even before, I'll update you again on more that's in store for the year.

Hoping you have had a delightful Christmas and have commenced this New Year being happy and healthy!