Friday, June 4, 2010

Brisbane Dance Artists Hub

If you are an Independent Dance Artist in Brisbane check out the group page on Facebook. Let's start communicating with each other and set the wheels in motion for a better dance future!

How did "A Likely Distrust" go?

Well it has been a while since I last wrote on my blog and I do apologise! It has been a very busy few months.

"A Likely Distrust" was a "Fresh Ground" residency from the Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts which allowed Zaimon Vilmanis, Ryadan Jeavons and myself to collaborate and explore the integration of multimedia with live performance. It was a fantastic four week project where all three of us were able to build on our collaborative language and start new processes for creating work that integrates multimedia with live performance. One of our motto's for the project was to "stop worrying about the effect of this project on future projects". This was very challenging for us but helped us to free our minds to create new ideas and to go further with those ideas than we would have had we censored ourselves and been too focused on creating a final production.

Our showings of some of the things that we came up with during our residency were extremely useful in providing critical feedback for us to take into consideration for our next endeavour. Asking specific questions about what the audience saw in our showings and what resonated with them proved much more useful than the usual post showing forums that chat about the process.

We are excited by the possibilities of where we can go next with what we have discovered and achieved from this residency. How refreshing it was to be supported by the Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts who provided us with the freedom to really experiment with our ideas!

Check out "A Likely Distrust" facebook fan page and/or to view videos and find out more about the project.