Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where am I? What am I doing?

Unfortunately it has been a while since I last wrote a blog entry. It has been a time of planning and of identifying goals I want to achieve in the future.
I am currently in the process of applying for a Brisbane City Council Lord Mayor's Young and Emerging Artists Fellowship to gain new knowledge, experience the working practices of a well known choreographer, and hopefully discover new devices to guide the development of my own choreographic processes and identity. So if you haven't seen much of me, I have disappeared into the abyss of grant writing ... but never fear, I will re-surface soon!
Right now I am also working with Leigh Warren and Dancers for "Maria De Buenos Aires" in collaboration with the State Opera of South Australia. It's fantastic to be learning some of the basics of how to Tango and to be involved in the creation of the dance material for the show. Working in heels, took a little getting used to, but believe it or not I actually ended up asking for the 2.75 inch heels instead of the 2.5 inch ones ... crazy I know! Working with the opera singers is lots of fun, though I still haven't improved my singing ability!
I'm also busy creating a solo work for the South Australian Children's Ballet Company Silver Gala season in November. It will be a wonderful chance to give back to the company that inspired me to become a dancer when I was a young girl.
As a participant in the SCOPE program I am putting together an action plan for my future and it's really exciting to be taking steps to achieve my long term goals.
Together with Zaimon and Ryadan, we have still been meeting up to continue making plans for further development of "A Likely Distrust" ... hopefully we will be able to do a second stage development of this project soon.
A few weeks ago I gave a contemporary class for the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts' Adelaide Audition. It was certainly nice to be on the other side of an audition for a change!

I will endeavour to make more regular blog entries and keep you updated on my adventures in coming months. For now, I must return to fine tuning my fellowship proposal ... if only I had the training in writing that I have in dancing too!