Sunday, August 14, 2011

August Update

Greetings from cold dreary Adelaide (well apart from today where the sun came out and I defrosted a little bit!). What am I doing in Adelaide?
Well, currently I'm working with Leigh Warren and Dancers for their season in the Oz Asia Festival of "Dreamscape". Learning Jiri Kylian's "Dreamtime" which has been a bit challenging as it's much more classical than the work I have done lately. This week ahead we have Elka coming over from NDT which should be quite an amazing experience. Possibly a little bit scary as I am performing the part in the piece which she once performed herself!
At the same time we are remounting "Maria De Buenos Aires" for the Brisbane Festival. I am quite enjoying revisiting the tango choreography as it feels a little less foreign this time - though I do miss being able to dance with my husband in the work. Chris Aubrey is doing a fabulous job as Zaimon's replacement in the work though so I am lucky.
I'm also teaching dance classes at Gravity Dance Studios and community class for Leigh Warren and Dancers.
Recently I found out that I have been successful with my application to do the Ausdance QLD Choreographic Laboratory in October/November this year so I'm excited about that!
In other news, Brisbane Dance Artists Hub (BDAH) has successfully initiated Pro Dance Classes Brisbane and professional level dance classes commence on Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings this week - so happy to have been involved in getting these classes up and running and hoping that they can continue so Brisbane Independent Dancers have the opportunity to maintain their technique on a regular basis.
For now, I must get back to grant writing ... but I'll leave you with a little snippet of footage from "Inhabited" - my solo for EDC's "Solo - A Festival of Dance".